Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Picture Perfect...not

Lukas Litzsinger

There are a lot of good pictures to browse through, but the one that stood out the most to me was "Audience Participation" by Charles Krupa.  It shows the reaction of several people in the stands of a baseball game as a rogue bat comes hurtling toward them.  At first, I almost bypassed it.  What's so great about this?  I thought.  It's not an incredibly rare occurrence, it could be cropped a smidgen of an inch on the left side, and the composition is not technically amazing by any standards.  But all of that pales in comparison with the content, with the snapshot of life that it conveys.  The spectator's responses are fascinating;  the picture just grabs a hold of you and makes you coming back, searching the varied visages on display.  There is some raw element of humanity visible in "Audience Participation," and emotion obviously catapulted it into first place.

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