Friday, January 30, 2009

First week

Jordan Stockdale

I probably should use my time better. This week I neglected all my other class work in order to compile this story on time. but who likes to read or even write a winy post. We got some good sources, we have a good story, and our editor is confident the Missourian will publish our work. Can't complain. Im a little disappointed in my photography, but what can you do. Practice practice. I think we have to do this for points right? I hope so...
Next week ill be starting earlier and hopefully by then I find some new sources in my niche. Do other people read these?


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Learning the hard way...

Tracy Pfeiffer, 4804

This week has been something of a whirlwind of hard-learned lessons about story focus and contacting sources. We knew that our initial pitch for this story was rather vague, but received good advice on ways to focus it and make it into something people would be interested in reading. However, we found it difficult to locate the character that we needed, and I'm still unsure of how the character we did find will play into the greater story. I see it, and I can sense it right over the horizon, but I just can't link them together in my mind in such a way that won't leave the question, "Why should people care?"

I've also learned a lot really quickly about the persistence necessary to contact sources. My attempts to contact sources on Monday were admittedly too subdued, and my teammate and I have found ourselves scrambling to find replacement sources for the ones who wouldn't contact us back and I did not give up on soon enough. Lesson learned, for sure.