Friday, February 1, 2008

Photojournalism at its finest

I thought that these readings were really helpful. I've always been interested in photography and it was really interesting to see the strategies of someone in the business. I listened to Dirk Halstead when he came to Mizzou last semester for an award he had been recognized with. Seeing his presentation was one of the most memorable experiences that I've had so far at Mizzou. He showed nearly all of his photos from the last three decades and told the stories behind how he had gotten the most difficult shots. Many of the strategies that he outlined were similar to that of LaBelle-- blending into the environment, capturing emotion (even if it just the subtle clench of the jaw), and thinking outside of the box. I think all of these skills are especially helpful in convergence because you have to paint the whole picture, which makes the images just as important as the text.
Emily Coppel

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