Monday, September 17, 2007


I listened to all of the KBIA stories, but this one stuck out to me simply for its bizarre content. The fact that people would actually invest in artificial testicles for their dog (cat/horse/bull) is beyond me, but I suppose that's beside the point.

I thought the actual piece is very well done. As far as interviews, I think there is a good selection of sources: the inventor of the product, a doctor that implants the product, and a veternarian in Columbia that highlights the absurdity of the product. There is a good combination of the reporter's voice and those of the sources. I also think that the reporter does a good job of remaining objective, and resisted poking any fun at the idea.

As far as natural noise goes, I think that considering the story theme, there is an adequate amount. The piece features the sound of dogs barking at the opening, and then another dog whimpering towards the end. There is also a clip of the company's phone recording. Past that, I don't know how else natural sound could have been incorporated.
Overall, I was impressed with the conciseness and entertainment value of the piece.

Andrea Stark

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