Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Booming in Bangalore

I really enjoyed watch Mercury News' multimedia piece on Bangalore being the new Silicon Valley. I like how these used different narrators. Also, they combination of text and photos was very smooth and pleasant to watch. I felt like they put together a product that made people want to watch it. At some points they even had two photos (or videos) on the screen for an added effect--often rich vs. poor. This was just an interesting read. I vaguely knew about the topic but this media really fills me in on the subject.

Also, another Mercury new piece about the Guadalupe River Park and Gardens was fantastic and very interactive. The interactive map with easy to read locations and the videos with narration really puts the reader in the park, the surrounding area, and how the park came to be. With videos on an aerial flyover, flood control, the actual park/garden, etc. the reader can see, hear and understand anything they want about the new park, it's effects, and it's creation.

Finally, USA Today's 'Participants in the Past' was a great multimedia story. It really makes you feel like you are back in the Civil War time period where you can read about a soldier's daily life and what they had to wear. With 'voices' of soldiers and lieutenants you get a real feel for the time period and thoughts of these people. USA Today turns back the clock using multimedia to help readers understand a significant point in US history. I'm sure most historians are excited about this work and hope that more like it will come.

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