Thursday, September 27, 2007

Exit Stage Wrong

The question of staging really comes down to one thing: your gut. As we've discussed in class, there's a clear line that you have crossed when you stage a journalistic element. There are certain things that can be done that don't violate that code of ethics and there are certain things that do. The best way to tell whether or not you have crossed that line is your own feelings. You know when you have done something unethical.
Depending on the type of story and the purpose of the story, that line is followed either strictly or loosely. Still, the final blame rests on the editor. The reason those positions are in place is to manage and control the output of stories by the reporters. If the editor cannot catch a staged story or chooses to run it anyway- they are responsible as well. They are the last defense against breaches in integrity. If the reporter's conscience fails, then the editor's must prevail.

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