Tuesday, September 18, 2007

KBIA stories

My favorite story is Neuticles. I learned a new word, thanks to it, for a start. The reporter used natural sounds pretty well (the dog moaning at the end of the story), but not as impressively as what we heard in our class (the story of frogs as food in Thailand, for example, had a lot more imaginative sounds). I believe the humor could have been better, if he had made more use of sound effects.

There is hardly any sound effect in the other two stories, it seems to me. It’s understandable with “Adderall” due to its serious and “soundless” subject, but “Mario Manzini” could have been turned into a more exciting story: like some sounds to help us imagine Mario Manzine as a real, touchable guy, for example his driving a car away or listening to music. The reporter did a good job describing him so vividly though.

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