Thursday, September 27, 2007


What, I wonder, is the difference between staging video and severely taking a quote out of context in an article? It seems to me to be a pretty simple issue - just as you wouldn't change facts or quotations for a print story, you shouldn't change the setting for video or alter the content. As for having a "line in the sand," the cameraman and/or reporter is there to report what happens - if he or she doesn't get there in time for the big news, then that's the way it goes. That's it. There's no more to it.

The only real gray area that I see is asking someone to either A.) repeat something they said for the camera, or B.) repeat an action for the camera of something that actually happened.

I say no to both, simply because it opens up too many possibilities. It takes away an initial reaction - the subject now has time to change something and make themselves look better or worse. There shouldn't be multiple takes for a news story - leave that for the movies and TV.

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