Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What about the rest?

I realize that broadcast news or multimedia video, in this case, has to be really focused. This is something I struggle with. I hate having to leave out various parts of a story that may not be part of my main focus, but are intersting little side facts that step a little bit out of line. I feel like I'm bringing only an entree to the dinner table.
After really watching focused stories, I've realized that that entree has your whole meal in one. We watch video to get a quick idea of what is going on. One may not care about whether or not they get the side details. That's not as relevant. If we want more information, we read the text that may accompany the video, or research it further. A strong video is focused and it delivers what people expect out of it, a rundown of the story telling all that is important. I know I'm going to struggle with this.

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