Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Staging-Lauren Stine

For the most part it is hard for me to imagine staging a video because well, I'm really just not that good at editing video. But, it is really difficult to know where to draw the line. Shooting my video for Tuesday's class I was really bummed that there wasn't any interesting natural sound in the room, it would have been really easy for me to create some myself, but after talking about that in class I understand that that is unethical. I definitely think that a lot of these mistakes happen because journalists don't always have an open enough discussion about ethical issues. It is important for journalists to understand that it is better to have a video/photo that might not be as good, than to edit it to make it better. It is hard in this world when everything is so competitive to settle for less when you know that you can easily just edit it and make it better- but we have to remember that when deceiving the public you will get caught, and you will get fired! Worth it? NO!

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