Thursday, June 5, 2008

Death Defyingly Un-natural

Don't take my title wrong, I greatly enjoyed the Mario Manzini story. That was a VERY well written piece that kept me interested the entire time. The script and pace of the story were planned very well, I do have to believe it was made a bit easier by the subject himself. However, I found myself wanting to know more about his stunts, and I think a little nat sound would have gone a long way. Go to one of his performances, or pull video of one of them. Let me hear him announcing, let me hear the crowd gasp then cheer. That would have taken the story from very well done to awesome. Also...cheesy announcer, ha. 

The adderall story. Everyone's already said it. TOO LONG!!! And there's no incentive to keep me listening. Its the same information I've hear over and over and over. There's no new information. There's nothing but voice after voice after voice to listen to. Boring. 

And the Ok, so strange story. I've met the guy who created those creepy things, he is strange. I think if they'd used more soundbytes from him, you would have started to get that feeling. I mean really, you've got to have a couple of screws loose if you decided to make a pair of artificial testes to boost your dogs confidence. Don't even get me started on the people who buy them. Back to the story. Well done. I liked the interviews, I liked the nat sound. Maybe could have been a teeny bit shorter. 

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