Monday, June 23, 2008

Good Design

Good website design is vitally important. I know this from my own personal experience, but the Eres articles simply backed my feelings up.

I would say the most obvious example of bad design is from my hometown. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch recently changed their website and I do not know of a single person who likes it.

My friend who is a reporter in the sports department hates it, as does my Dad. On Father's Day he was looking to read his favorite columnist. He is a very laid back guy, but from the other room I could hear him mutter "I can't find anything on this f------ website!"

The same friend who is a reporter says hits are down, though research has shown people prefer this type of website to others. But for whatever reason the Post could not pull it off. Hopefully they will switch it before it's too late.

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