Thursday, June 26, 2008


Hope nobody got blown away in the storm(s) last night! Maybe the Missourian should do an infographic on that...maybe not.

I really agree with Quealy when he says that infographics are meant to add understanding and a little something extra to the page. Sometimes it is helpful, or at least interpreting to know the data behind a story you just read, or even know the data just for the sake of having it. And yeah, it may be able to draw a reader into your webpage for just that little bit longer. The graphic the Missourian did on the Primary election I remember fiddling with for quite a while. I told my parents, they didn't think it could be done. I sent it with them, and after a little technical trouble, they were messing around with it too. 

I also think that there is such a thing as too much data. And that you have to be sensible in what you put in that graphic. It's got to be user friendly, and it can't overwhelm otherwise you lose the entire point of making that graphic, to supplement and inform the reader. And while journalists tend to be a little over the top, that's one area where we have to use common sense.

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