Monday, May 21, 2007

David Snider

When I was reading David Snider's introduction to his street photos, one thing really stuck ou to me and that was the quote, "It's not the heat. It's the timidity." I admire Snider's motivation to carry his camera with him at all times so he can always be ready to capture a good photo. Many times when reporting I find myself shying away from a deeper story due to my own timidity. However, I have to realize that I need to get rid of my shyness if I'm going to have success in the journalism field.

I love the details in Snider's photos. He always seems to have the perfect combination of lighting, subject, and background. One of my favorites is the picture he took in Hyde Park, London of the two people in the boat. I love the way the light is hitting the water so that each little ripple is highlighted perfectly. I also like how the boat, as well as the fence at the bottom of the photo follow the rule of thirds. Because the focus is not in the center , it makes for a much more interesting picture.

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