Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A View of Russia

This story was well-told through the visuals, it would not have been compelling without the visuals. Since it is about how another Cold War could happen as the military of Russia is being slowly rebuilt, it is important to the viewer to see this military, why it is considered strong. Seeing an enormous bomber airplane certainly makes an impression. True, a plane can be given in measurements in text, but seeing is believing to truly understand what there is to fear in a "strong Russia".

I thought the ending of the story was something that could be improved. The journalist decides to offer his opinion on the state of affairs. While I understand it is difficult to leave ones self out of the story just in what is selected to be told, etc., I did not understand why the journalist gave his opinion. Is he an analyst? Is he an expert? The sound quality on the video was also terrible, but I think that was just my internet. It is a shame that the BBC produces high quality things only to have them distorted on a different medium.

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