Sunday, March 9, 2008

a better-than-average week

Lee and I had a good time this week doing a KOMU story on mixed martial arts. We made a good team, and the finished product reflects that, I think. Everything went smoothly, which was a refreshing change from last week. I learned even more about Avid, particularly that I can't wait to transition to Final Cut Pro, the apparent gold-standard in video editing. I love video work, but still feel a bit clumsy when cutting into Avid. I expect I'll get better as the semester wears on.

Ira Glass was inspirational. I've listened to his show for years, but to see him in person was almost surreal. I recognized every clip he played. I loved his talk on making journalism "human-scale" and avoiding the dreaded topic sentence. My goal is to conceive a video method that mimics his approach to radio. The icing on Saturday night's cake was that my buddy hooked me up with a front-row ticket. I was 15 feet from a man I've listened to for years. It's a bit of a man crush, I admit.

Cheers to Sean Powers. I doubt any of us understand how ecstatic he was to spend time with his idol.

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