Thursday, January 31, 2008

shooting - not just for licensed hunters anymore.

Tracy pfeiffer

I think that the main impression I got from LaBelle's piece is that photojournalism isn't just about having the best camera or knowing everything there is to know about the technicalities involved in taking pictures -- it's about being adventurous, active, and curious. In working for my city paper, I've seen teen staff photographers come back from shoots with better pictures than staff photographers with ten years' experience, and I think LaBelle's piece really helps explain how that can happen. His tips and advice sort of erase that idea some people have of photographers standing around waiting for something interesting to happen and replace it with the idea of a persistent, active, and maybe mud-covered photographer finding something interesting to shoot.

I also enjoyed the photos from David Snider. I think that they may not be life-changing or anything serious like that, but I can definitely see how his photos would help spark interest if placed next to a feature story. There's emotion in every picture that draws you closer and makes you wonder what else there is to know.

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