Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Backpack Journalism (Hayley Kaplan)

As seen in these two articles, opinions about where journalism is headed in the future means many different things to different people. Journalism is a profession that will always constantly change because the world constantly changes, and I believe that this adjustment to convergence and backpack journalism is something that must be gradually integrated into newsrooms everywhere. Newsrooms are not going to instantly turn towards having all backpack journalists because the people who still specialize in one area of journalism are still vital in newsrooms. But I believe backpack journalists should be incorporated into newsrooms in an effort to make newsrooms more diverse and help complete the ultimate goal of accurate, important news getting out into the world somewhat quickly. Without individual special talents, the important stories will not get told, so in my opinion newsrooms need all types of people. Diversity is a key essential in newsrooms, even if that means people who are diverse in their knowledge of reporting. All these talents can and should be thrown together in order for all of us to succeed as journalists. 

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