Thursday, August 30, 2007

Picture Hunting

Tyson Sprick
It's interesting how photographers (or photojournalists, rather) are portrayed as hunters, patiently searching for the perfect shot. And that is why I think photography will be tough for me. I wouldn't necessarily describe myself as "patient," and wandering around for hours to find the perfect picture sounds like less than fun. I don't think I'm very creative either; give me an assignment and I'll do it. Tell me to come up with my own assignment and I feel lost. Needless to say, I'm a little nervous about this task, but I did enjoy some of the pointers in "The Great Picture Hunt." I like how photojournalism isn't about you, but about what you see. Very rarely do readers see who the photographer is. Like the reading said, photographers blend into the surroundings and capture what is going on around them to share with the world. Occasionally, if the photographer comes across a good angle, the right time, and a little luck, he can produce breath-taking images and share them with people who would normally never have a chance to see them. If I can take one person somewhere they haven't been before with this assignment, I'd be pretty fulfilled.

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