Thursday, August 30, 2007

LaBelle and Snider

I really enjoy what David LaBelle wrote about hunting for photographs. His tips shed a lot of light on photojournalism on me. They are clear, concise and simple. This guy is a very good teacher.
Photojournalism so far is for me something quite elusive. Even though I often have to take pictures myself for my stories, I always view photojournalists with both envy and admiration. How come they can capture so well such emotions, actions and moments, as if they had magic in their eyes and their hands? LaBelle’s manual helped to demystify this for me, as he explained very clearly the process of preparation and taking pictures, and I felt inspired by the feeling that I might be able to do all that he said. I must also say that in my country, it is not usual for photojournalists to share their “trade secrets” with other people.
As for David Snider’s photos of street life, there are some pictures that I enjoyed like the boy and the buble, a Jewish man looking straight at the camera in the middle of a crowd, a man sleeping with an open mouth on a bench, or the little boy running in the rain. He captured life as it is, full of spontaneity. But other than that, I do not find him outstanding as a photographer. Such photos could have been taken by anyone. Or maybe, I am not discerning enough to analyze his techniques.

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