Monday, June 11, 2007

Visual Mediums

The part of the visual story telling tips that i found most useful was undoubtedly the idea behind each aspect of the website not being repetitive but complimentary. Looking back on my current website i definitely feel that I should have used this tip a little more, but hey thats why we are learning right...right, anyways I definitely think that this is something i will strive to do more of in our final projects.

In regards to the Poynter Institute article I think that gave a lot of great tips when it comes to reporting. Probably the one that I found has been most useful, and one that i learned in j2100, was the idea of silence. I can actually remember a time when I was doing a phone interview with a state senator and I asked him a question and he seemed very unwilling to answer a question and I just sat there and eventually I got the answer I was looking for. I have also found that if you dont talk the person you are interviewing will feel as if they havent said enough and will continue talking and may even give you better material to work with.

whew im out of breath

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