Monday, June 4, 2007

Staging Video

Obviously, staging video is ethically wrong and is a great way to get you fired and forced into a new profession. However, there are little nuances that maybe confusing to young journalists. I remember in class, someone had a question about cutting video in and out of an interview between segments of an interview. It was said that you couldn’t cut peoples interview so that there words are distorted and the meaning is changed. However, we were encouraged to cut the best part of our video to the beginning if it is good for the interview. So you can see it is a fine line between the ethics of cutting video and good video editing techniques. It is something that young journalist must be careful to learn these fine lines and remember down the line during their journalistic career. These are difficult lessons that we all must learn and it is good for us as students to learn the basics of this fundamental question in journalism.

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