Thursday, June 21, 2007

good idea, bad idea

Every now and then... ok, let me be realistic... ALL THE TIME, I run into sites made by well meaning people who should really know better. It ranges from blogs with background pictures that completely obscure the text, to bright red and yellow color schemes that make me feel like I'm being stabbed in the eyes. The most important function of the site is to convey information, and in some cases it's almost impossible to tell what that information is. Some of my personal pet peeves, however, are lots of scrolling text boxes on the main page (they just make everything look so cluttered), and when everything on a page is centered (because it begins to look sloppy and seems pointless). Something I find really cool, though, is interactive text. There is a website called AskMoses, for instance, that explains various aspects of Judaism, and all of the unfamiliar or Hebrew words can be toggled to show a definition.

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