Monday, June 11, 2007


It is obvious, especially after reading the article Staged, Staging, and Stages that staging is an unethical jounalistic practice. I'm not gonna lie, there have been times when I have considered asking someone to recreate a scene that I was supposed to shoot. It's an easy way out. Even though staging can add to the effect a story has on it's audience, it's extremely misleading.
I especially liked the part about "comfortableness." I think that if it does seem like a certain scene or sequence is uncomfortable it can be considered staged. Even something as simple as asking a person to walk up stairs or open a door is staging. This type of "false journalism" takes away from a journalists ability to report the truth. Another aspect about the article that I found interesting was the "We asked so and so to show us how they..." technique. In my opinion this technique works. Even though it may seem like reporting laziness, the face that the request is identified makes the sequence usable. This technique be very useful in situations in which you are covering something that that rarely happens. In the end staging is frowned upon. In my opinion a proactive journalist should never have a problem with it.

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