Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Call it Theatre if it's Staged

At first I thought these articles were a bunch of ethics statements that I have heard over and over again. A camera changes the meaning though.Visual storytelling will often be the most effective, so there is a major emphasis on "getting the best shot". It comes down to shear laziness when a journalist stages events to gain this. It is easy to make up a story, when compared to finding one and showing it, but that's in no way journalism. "Recreating" an event or simply making one up is fake, unless identified as fake, the footage is not news.

It is also true that a camera will cause the subject to change their behavior. With many stories the right questions will continuously result in wrong answers. It is also hard to just go about your business with a camera on you. It is difficult but crucial to get an interview subject to act normal. I liked Wertheimer's suggestion of getting your subject to talk to you not the camera.

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