Thursday, November 1, 2007

Good design or bad design

Suekyoung Kim

“The Non-Designer’s Web Book” taught me many elements I should be aware of when web designing. The four basic principles that the book said were alignment, proximity, repetition, and contrast; and it was easy to understand why those elements become basic principles in web designing. By aligning all the text on the same baseline, the strip of links is neater and more organized. When I learned about the importance of alignment and saw some example of good and bad alignments, I could have a whole new different view of looking at web pages. I haven’t thought about mixing up the alignments of texts in a same page is so distracting and unprofessional before. I should keep it mind that everything on my web site has the same alignment –either all flush left, all flush right, or all centered. The book states, one of the elements of good web design is a lack of the elements that make bad web design. As an amateur in web designing, I don’t know much about the professional web designers’ world, but I can at least avoid to be awarded for my terrible web design if I simply go over the checklists in the book and try to stick to the principles. Every web page in the site should look like it belongs to the same site; there should be repetitive elements that carry throughout the page. I need some practice making myself look non-amateur in web designing.

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