Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Flash Journalism: A Give and Take

One thing about the readings that interested me was how different people classified different levels of interactivity. In the end, the author noted that every definition mentioned that the user had some control of the package, but to what degree and whether that control was used positively was left up to the creator.

I see the issue of control as a major issue for web journalism. On one hand, flash websites can be engaging to the viewer and provide a wide range of multimedia to be devoured. Rather than appealing to people who only read, listen to, or watch the news, having a package on the web can appeal to those people while offering ways for the audience to get involved.

But at some point, I feel as though Flash sites can overload on the bells and whistles and the journalism gets lost, and that's where the issue of control comes into play. I feel as though the story should come first and the technical elements should enforce and play to the story, not overshadow it. I think one of the biggest hurdles in our group packages will be not only to produce technically proficient pieces that fit into an appealing Flash design, but to make sure the substance is not lost within the style.

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