Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Photographs of another world

I really liked looking at all the photos and wondering what they were or what story could be behind them before reading the captions. I personally love photography because its a medium which many can create news without deception, confusion, etc. When you write a story, you have to be sure it can be understood from all different points of view, groups, etc. (This is the challenge that keeps me motivated to be a writer). However, with a photo, it's right there, in your face news. You just have to write a caption to put it in a time and place. I took family photos at Sears off and on for about 3 years and there's nothing like capturing a moment. I had to make sure every family had a photo that captured something creatively, even if it took more than the 12 frames I was allowed.

My favorite photographer would have to be Tamas Dezso. He captured so many different perspectives throughout his photo album. It was absolutely astonishing. My favorite photo would have to be the one of the vandalized mannequin. I was thinking, these are journalistic photos, not art....why would they have photoshopped a picture. Then, I read the caption and thought...wow. And that's all I have to say about that.

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