Thursday, April 5, 2007

Subliminal design

The thing that has really struck me about good and bad web design is the way in which one tells whether it is good or bad. Aside from the very obvious needs of navigation and clarity (anything a monkey holding a banana in one hand and a computer in the other couldn't do is probably a no-no), everything minute about a page that needs to be changed is usually something htat is wrong almost subliminally. In writing, when somehting needs to be editeted, it is because it is confusing or difficult. In video if something needs to be edited, it is due to the fact that it is unnecessary and needs to be shorter. Yet with web design, something gets edited because of the fact that at some level it isn't appealing, whether that is to the eye, the mind, or even the ears. A lot of times there is just no way to explain it, it just doesn't "look right". Color differences that at first glance can be fine, after a while wear on you, or give a bad impression not first realized at first glance of the page. In class when we looked at the two pages, we knew exactly what was wrong with each page without any advanced instruction as to why. Good times.

Oh and congrats Linda again.

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