Monday, April 23, 2007

Oopsy doodles I missed this one on the schedule

As a lay internet consumer, before I became "trained" per se on the rhyme and reason of internet journalism and multimedia, I had mixed views on flash. It has always been neat, and a lot of times I would enjoy navigating through all the fun things with the fun animations, but to be completely honest, I used to rarely view those types of presentations (and when I speak of this, I am talking like the fat kid school where the entire thing is comprised of a flash presentation). This is due to two things:

1) It takes a long time to load--self-explanatory. Why wait for some really flashy presentation to load when I can glean the same information from a simple html page with text and a picture or two?
2) A flash window does not save history, or have a go back button. I can't count the amount of times where I have been in a flash window and have wanted to go back a page or two pages and get frustrated because there is no way to.

I honestly think that I am pretty patient internet consumer, so I can only imagine what the average short-attention span MTV-type personality does. I think that flash applications are fantastic, and when integrated well, provide for some awesome internetting, but too much can come at a bit of a cost.

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