Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Focus, or there will be a ruckus

The advice in the Poynter article was so key: Focus on what you are doing, so you are sure to get what you need. In journalism, it is folly to stay focused on a story you seek even as what actually happens goes in a completely different direction. Flexibility is the key. At each of the stops on my semetster project on Truman the Tiger, I had a certain expectation, a certain goal of exactly what I wanted to achieve. Something other than that happened every time.

The e-res article did a good job of laying out a video story with a beginning, middle and end. With print, you seek the best lead. With photos, you seek the best impact. Video is no different, as story structure becomes even more important than any other medium due to the time constraints and thus the need to tell a story quickly and concisely. It's not like people can rewind or re-read, unless they tape TV news. And who does that other than journalism professionals?

I will join the chorus of those who are glad to have these articles to refer to as I construct my next video.

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