Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Photojournalist elect: Stephen Crowley

When viewing this multimedia award winning slide show by Mr. Stephen Crowley, I was really taken aback by how well he was able to tell his story through his photographs. Mr. Crowley is a political photojournalist who officially began his career by taking pictures of Ronald Reagan in his final moments of office.

Through this mans journey you really got a sense and feel for what these Presidential candidates go through. You see sides to them that isn't always portrayed in the "main stream" media. As a viewer I wish I could have seen this side more during the election, its possible that it may have swayed me in one way or another to see these titans "humanized" by pictures and stories.

Crowley has had an amazing career as a photojournalist in the political scene- His photographs are complex and are filled with continuity giving you many layers to break down. The element of his voice enhances the photos but only to a certain extent. The pictures most certainly tell the story, Crowley just aids in the fabric of it. Being a photojournalist in the technological world we live in only continues to be enhanced as evidence by the multimedia piece that Mr. Crowley has put together. It was an inspired piece and he certainly knows how to touch the audience or shall I say visualizers?


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