Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mario Manzini

I thought that this story was very interesting. I thought that the reporter did a good job of describing Mr. Manzini. Through each of the descriptions I was able to get a very clear picture of just who Mario Manzini was, and just how dangerous the stunts he was performing were.

However I thought that the story was missing some key components. The biggest thing it was missing was ambient sound. It definitely would have added to the story to hear some different sound in the background. However, it would be difficult to get clear understandable audio because I imagine many of the stunts are done quietly unless being performed in front of a large crowd. I also think the reporter should have strived to find another source to talk to, such as a person who has witnessed on of Manzini's stunts. Despite these missing components, the story was still thoughtful and interesting.

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