Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I thought that Martha Stone brought up an interesting point in her article about backpack journalism being a "mush of mediocrity." There was a quote in this article about the fact that sending more people into the field to cover a story would create a package of much better quality than if you were to send a single reporter. While this concept does make sense, I feel that backpack journalists are being taught to compensate for their lack of manpower when in the field. Their training should include how to get the best, most efficient and unique angle of a story.

Also, I did like how Jane Stevens credited some of her best work to her producers and editors. Because while backpack journalism does only have one reporter, there are often still producers and editors along the way to check the work. That's why I don't agree with Stone's comments about convergence reporters not creating well thought out or executed stories. There are always others along the way to assist with the story.

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