Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Um, Ouch. Double ouch. Ouch, infinity.

Show, Don't Tell is more than just a song by progressive Canadian rock band Rush. It is a way to aid understanding of a story, to illustrate what words can only describe.

The video I watched is a sports one, and it is not for the squeamish. As has grown, it has included more and more video to supplement its news stories - which are often taken from the Associated Press wire. Having heard about Los Angeles Clippers guard Shawn Livingston's horrific knee injury, I knew the Worldwide Leader would have video for those of us who are curious to see yet another instance of a man's leg being twisted in unnatural ways.

The story is one thing, but to see the incident, to see his face as he writhes on the ground, to see him helped off the court . . . that is the human drama of journalism and sports journalism. He tore just about any ligament you can on the play, but ultimately when you see the video, you see how young Livingston is, and that goes to the possibility of recovery.

While this particular video can be said to merely satisfy the abovementioned grossout-holics, it is an example of how video can supplement a story. Show, Don't Tell.

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