Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Was this written for children? Or intelligent adults?

I listened to Robert Krulwich's report about how to tell how long a species will live.

At first, I thought that the "natural sound" in the report was corny. He would say the word "elephant", and then you'd hear the sound of an elephant. He was also talking very slowly, and I felt like I was listening to a children's program.

Then, when he started talking about the speeds of different animals' heartbeats, he added in clips of the sounds of the heartbeats, so that the listeners could hear the differences in speed. I really liked how he did that.

But, then he kept talking to me like I was 5 years old, and I kept wondering if I was listening to NPR or a PBS broadcast.

I thought that the report made really good use of sound clips from a professional. It was like the reporter were reporting to the audience, but then also holding an interview at the same time, and it worked.

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