Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pam Anderson, Tommy Lee reunite

I was looking for a quick example of entertainment journalism because that is the area I want to go into. However, when I came across the Pam and Tommy story I was confused, I saw a lot of zooming and panning. According to what I learned it was not supposed to be that way. Nevertheless, the Pam Anderson story and the little side bar about Michael Jackson doesn't really seem like real news. When compared to the Hogans threatened story, it was still not very good. Same zooming and panning. The anchors were cheesy in my opinion. 
I think I agree with most when I say that I am more comfortable with the video component of journalism. I like to show things. I like photography and video seems like photography's little cousin. When trying to write to the audio I had some struggle trying to figure out what to say and how to keep from saying what my audio could tell the listener. At the same time, I liked my audio piece the best because I had more time and I could work the program, although it was janky. 

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