Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Autism Series

I, like most people's posts that I have read so far, was unclear about if we had a specific video to watch or just to pick anything so, I chose Ashley Reynold's 14 part Autism series on The series was called combating autism from within.

I really enjoyed listening to her research and hearing the families themselves speak about how Autism has affected their lives. Most families were interviewed in their homes with their autistic children. The nat sound that was taken, from some of the children playing, some singing, some in the other room playing video games, really helped keep this piece interesting and added a lot to the story as a whole.

I especially liked the sequence that showed one autistic boy getting blood drawn. He ended up screaming and having an outburst right in the doctors office and even tried to pull the needle out himself! I'm sure it was quite an ethical dilema over whether to air the clip or not. I am glad they chose to use the clip in the package though because it helps the viewer see exactly how difficult having a child with autism can be. It put the viewer right there in the hospital room with the mother and her son.

The entire series was extremely well written and I liked how Ashley explained all of the medical terminology for those of us who have no idea what some of the words meant. It was definitely writing for the ear.

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