Monday, October 29, 2007

Non Designers

I like how the chapter starts out by telling you that you won't become an expert designer by reading this but you will learn some basic designing principles to help your craft. This made me more comfortable and made the subject a little less scary and daunting.

It simplifies concepts and defines them in a way that a non-designer would understand. It resembles a quick do and don't list for designer and it can help pros and amateurs like me.

The alignment concept seemed almost obvious and it catered to me since I like organization and structure. I liked how the author gave image examples so we amateurs can get a better since of what good alignment is. Proximity is a subject I think many designers could work on. I can't even count how many times I have been to a site and related items and topics aren't by each other so you have to go hunting for them.

Repitition is also an important concept for designers. Keeping the same logos, styles, wordings etc. is important for design and consistent structure. And finally, contrast almost reminds me of a lead for print articles. It is designed to bring and leader in only for a site instead of an article.

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