Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Tyson Sprick
This is great. A radio story about prosthetic animal testicles?! But as hilarious as it was, the story assignment was taken seriously, and it was actually a very informative piece. Jason Ray did an excellent job of using multiple sources to show different sides of the issue. There was just enough humor in it to portray to the listener that, yes, it's an extreme measure, but people really do implant silicon testicles into their pets. The nat sound at the beginning and end was a nice tidy frame for the story, and it set the tone. I can't say that the sounds were unpredictable though. Nevertheless, they were effective in easing the listeners into the story and fading them out as well.

I think the keys to take from this story would be interviewing multiple sources who provide different views on the subject, try to aim for unique natural sound, and have fun but in a professional way. Not all stories are serious and grim, and I think that's okay. Overall it was an entertaining, informative story that appealed to a wide range of listeners. Well done.

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