Wednesday, September 26, 2007

All Over

So as I wrap up my Holy Road House story article, my Missourian plus article/photo gallery on the Localvore Challenge, and our group project on the interworkings of referees I realize, 'shit, I have other classes!' I have come to the conclusion that convergence reporting will rock me into a half sleep for roughly 5 hours a night, haunt me in my delusioned weariness, and slap me in the face when I'm far from ready to wake up...could you at least make me breakfast!? And as we all know, no. Eating is currently a luxury. ...And as I ramble on, I realize I don't have much of a point. Convergence is demanding, but that's why I'm/we're here. I am exhausted, but I'm learning. So, if the convergence gods feel like letting up, even the slightest amount, it would be much appreciated. But, if not, I will continue to keep on truckin. In the mean while, hope everyone else is able to get their stories done with as little stress as possible...but in reality, we're all in the same boat, clinging to our last breath of life, but making some kick ass projects in the process...

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