Thursday, June 21, 2007

Knowledge About Web Design

Making the website clear and regular seems to be better than making website differently after I read the assignment.
Normally, I’ll like to make my blog look different, look “NICE” however, I forgot about the reader’s user ability, forgot about the blog’s layout and it’s format. Whenever blog has a new feature came out, I’ll try to embrace it into my website, without every think about weather or now it will make my blog look different, or make other harder to follow.
I noticed the color contrast matter, before I read these readings, because sometime I found my friends’ blog hard to read, yet, I didn’t know that repetitions is better then making things new.
On Tuesday’s class Lynda even mentioned which form of letters are easier to read, and better for display, although I normally just put up fronts like the “Times New Roman”, but I didn’t realized that some fronts are better to use on the web than others.
Again, I am glad we have this class for us to try, and learn from errors, and I realized even fronts, and lay out of the website have a loads of knowledge out there I can learn and catch up on.

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