Thursday, March 6, 2008

School Bus Story

Lukas Litzsinger

Story:  'School Bus Safety' on

This was a story about seat belts in school buses.  That's pretty much it.  

Overall I thought that the story was forgettable.  Technically, it was proficient.  There was some interesting video (a school bus tipping over onto its side and kids flying against the wall), differing opinions, a few statistics and good audio.   Unfortunately, the reporter did not do a very good job of setting up the context.  It is obvious that we should care about the safety of our children, but is the story timely?  No dates were given as to when the events or speeches or interviews in the video happened, and there was nothing concrete about any actual plans to put seat belts in school buses, only people talking about the possibility.

I suppose the story could be construed as an awareness piece, or some type of report that brings a topic to the public's attention.  But seeing how there was no information reported about how to get involved or who to talk to if you want to understand more about the debate, it is unlikely that parents will feel the initiative to research it further without some catalyst at a local level.

I also thought that some explanation as to why school buses are so safe right now would have been helpful.  We see the interior of a school bus with the reporter, but we are not given any visuals to support the safety claims.

I really don't think that this video would have worked as a text only story.  Perhaps some excess details were removed to make it more approachable, and there would be a better sense of the timeliness of the piece and why it matters.  If not, though, it would be a strange, abstract feature with no novelty or weird factor to boost it up.

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