Thursday, March 13, 2008

And now for something completely different...

Lukas Litzsinger

*ahem* Action!

Not every sentence is created equal. Some visuals are better than others. A sound in the bush is worth two in the studio. If these saying don't sound familiar, it is because I just made them up.

Reporter Voiceover: This...*screenshot* is a blog. It is an online site where people post their thoughts--

Natural Sound: Stop it! Do you know how much work goes into producing a story like this???!

Reporter: the march of technology clicks on, producing wonders not even imagined when the students were born almo--

Natural: Woah! That is a horrible sentence! 'Clicks on'? 'wonders'? What is this, Aladdin? Sentences should be short and to the point when writing for visuals.

Reporter: In addition, a video story needs to have several things to make it a success *clip of a chimpanzee shooting a video* including good audio, concise writing, relevant video and a sense of humor.

Natural: Hey, I didn't say you could use that shot of me! Er, I mean, you should show a clip illustrating each idea, don't just list them and show a marginally relevant video. Also, a story really shouldn't have more than three or four main ideas, you are jumping all over the place!

Reporter: Each story needs a beginning, a middle, and an end. Back to you, Big Bird.

Natural: That's common sense! And what kind of ending is that? You want to keep your best shot for last! That way you not only have an ending point to build toward, but you maximize impact!


Natural: Hey!

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