Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Picture Time!

by Chelsea Williams
Eavesdropping. That was my favorite point made in the Handbook. I had never actually been encouraged to eavesdrop before in my life. However, the concept makes perfect sense, like David LaBelle says, because it would be a good way to learn of things you normally wouldn't, without having to get in people's faces and bombard them with questions. Something else I really took away from the article was the portion about making a tree. I can see how it would broaden the spectrum of ideas, while allowing you to identify important details at the same time, and keep them organized. I'm curious to try it out and see if it works for me. Also, I really felt the handbook served as a good guide for how to take feature photos--there is more to them than just snapping a picture. Patience, people, and context are key. Finding that "perfect" photo has the potential to take awhile, but that's all part of being in this crazy field of journalism.

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