Thursday, January 31, 2008

Picture Hunting

I noticed that some called David LaBelle's points seemingly obvious... I wouldn't necessarily agree with obvious; perhaps obvious in theory but in practice-profound. I just so happened to check out the camera today to take my pictures and literally all of his pointers I could have used in my excursion today. Unfortunately for me I hadn't read it. So... instead of being prepared as LaBelle states I somehow forgot/assumed that a memory card was going to be in the camera when I checked it out. Mistake 1. Which invariably made me just a tad late for the event I was supposed to be shooting today. Like LaBelle states, I thought I was blending, until two facilitators of the event came out and asked what the pictures were being used for because they were making some people uncomfortable. Mistake 2. LaBelle mentions patience... I failed most effectively at this one. Not to say that all my shots are crap, just  a large majority. (Thank God we only have to choose 3.) Truer words have never been spoken than when he said it requires mental and physical energy. *Nods head slowly* Indeed. I also really liked what LaBelle said about making a tree, this would be great for any type of journalistic endeavor. 
Everything I did wasn't all bad. Like LaBelle's pointers I made sure to capture human interactions in the two events I attended last night, not saying those pictures were fabulous and will definitely be included in my project- they just express something else that the others don't. And also being the journalist that I am I utilized my "need-to-know" gene, my curiosity and I was satisfied overall with what I found and documented. 

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