Thursday, April 19, 2007

Flash Journalism

My only fear with entering the convergence journalism sequence was that I would somehow end up becoming a "techie." I don't mean to say this in an offensive way, but I definately didn't want my career to revolve around technical computer skills. Even though they are useful, I want to be a journalist. Now putting those two things together...flash+journalism-it intimidates me because I get the feeling that I might not be competitive in my career field if I don't have these skills.

I agree with the other two posts that have been made. Flash can be interesting and definately something that engages an audience; but McAdam's doesn't really cover the topic of when to use it. I think we tend to form our opinions on this as we see good and bad examples already developed. I thought the Unknown Soldier project with New York Times was a great example of when to use Flash...but we also see really cheesy products that were just an attempt to catch someone's eye. It leaves questions: When do you use it? When is it journalism and when is it entertainment?

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