Thursday, April 19, 2007

Flash Journalism

I thought the information in Mindy McAdam's Flash journalism book was not new to me. She gave a lot of information on how to use Flash, but not when. I think that's the biggest point to keep in mind when using a tool like Flash - is it's use adding to your audience's understanding of the story? Does it simply look cool? Or is it branching into the realm of infotainment?

Matt mentioned in his last post that McAdam's theoretical use of games in journalism can be dangerous, and I agree. While it might look cool and engage the audience, are you still practicing journalism? Is it cheapening news or widening the audience?

There was a lot of good information on audio slideshows versus video versus text slideshows, giving good advice to the pros and cons of each format. The discussion of interactivity was also useful - too often the word is thrown around, labeling any form of online journalism. There are certain criteria that should be met not only for it to be called interactive, but for it to really utilize the tools available in an online and multimedia world.

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