Friday, April 25, 2008

April 25th

Finally we're looking ahead to the last project. Our investigative story, thanks to Karen's idea, is something I've thought a lot about prior to this class. Elderly drivers are not always but sometimes can be a danger on the road. Frankly, even riding with my own parents, who are baby-boomers and are not getting any younger, frightens me.

My grandma at 90 also recently decided on her own volition to stop driving. This was a big deal for her because she is very independent and still in good health, but unfortunately her reflexes are not as quick. Covering this will be a challenge but important because it might get elderly drivers to think about their own driving.

Whether or not we cover it, there is no denying a stereotype exists around the elderly and driving. I witnessed a comical but sad encounter and example of the stereotype one summer. A young adult was driving and got cut off by an elderly driver. As a witness, I can say the elderly driver really was at fault, but when he saw the young adult driver was near behind him, he yelled out his window to the younger driver, "Did you just get your license?" And, the young driver retorted, "Can you even see?"

I guess that story didn't have much to do with journalism, but it had a lot to do with my story, which I'm anxious to report.

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