Wednesday, February 27, 2008


by Chelsea Williams

Staging is a bad idea. I couldn't agree more with David Wertheimer when he says that "staging" photographs or clips definitely puts into question the journalistic integrity of the reporter. Do they really just want "that shot," or do they actually care about the story? It is an impersonal way for a journalist to cover a story, no matter the lightness or heaviness of the piece. Although his strategy of using a wireless mic may not collect the best audio, it is a far better alternative to pre-planning the shot, directing people to where you want them instead of capturing them simply as they are in their own natural environment. As journalists, it is not our job to recreate moments, rather to capture them in the first place. And if we mess up, as human beings do every now and then, we need to find an alternative way to capture the essence of the scene. Or know when to walk away. I know it sounds cut-and-dry on paper, and is actually far more difficult when "that shot" is needed for deadline, but I feel like as journalists, we need to be able to think on our feet--a little improvisation keeps things fresh and exciting for everyone involved.

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